Index Dorothy Wordsworth |
Tour in Scotland |
An encounter with a colourful company
The Wordsworths liked to view the Scottish landscape from the water and sailed a number of times over one of the lakes or lochs that were sandwiched between the impressive mountains. They usually did not encounter many people on or near the water. As an exception, they ran into a colourful company during their journey across Loch Etive. The description below not only gives an impression of that company, but also shows the perseverance of the Wordsworths, who were not even put off by the worst dog weather.
On the wide waters of Loch Etive, Dorothy and William passed between two mountains: on the right was Cruachan, 'which rose directly from the lake', and on the left, Ben Durinish, 'rugged and very steep, with jagged bushes between the rocks and the stones'.
Rain and mist
We crossed the water, which was very rough in the middle, but calmer near the shores, and some of the rocky basins and little creeks among the rocks were as still as a mirror, and they were so beautiful with the reflection of the orange-coloured seaweed growing on the stones or rocks, that a child, with a child's delight in gay colours, might have danced with joy at the sight of them. It never ceased raining, and the tops of the mountains were concealed by mists, but as long as we could see across the water we were contented; for though little could be seen of the true shapes and permanent appearances of the mountains, we saw enough to give us the most exquisite delight: the powerful lake which filled the large vale, roaring torrents, clouds floating on the mountain sides, sheep that pastured there, sea-birds and land birds. We sailed a considerable way without coming to any houses or cultivated fields.
In this desolation, Dorothy and William hoped to meet someone who could inform them of next day's intended route. They looked for a sign of habitation on the banks of the loch.
The rain became so heavy that we should certainly have turned back if we had not felt more than usual courage from the pleasure we had enjoyed, which raised hope where none was. There were some houses a little higher up, and we determined to go thither and make further inquiries. We could now hardly see to the other side of the lake, yet continued to go on, and presently heard some people pushing through a thicket close to us, on which the boatman called out, 'There's one that can tell us something about the road to Glen Coe, for he was born there.' We looked up and saw a ragged, lame fellow, followed by some others, with a fishing-rod over his shoulder; and he was making such good speed through the boughs that one might have half believed he was the better for his lame leg. He was the head of a company of tinkers, who, as the men told us, travel with their fishing-rods as duly as their hammers. On being hailed by us the whole company stopped; and their lame leader and our boatmen shouted to each other in Erse - a savage cry to our ears, in that lonely and romantic place. We could not learn from the tinker all we wished to know, therefore when we came near to the houses William landed again with the owner of the boat. The rain was now so heavy that we could see nothing at all—not even the houses whither William was going.
Near the cottages, William met a man who, despite the heavy rain, was working with others in a hay field. He received the desired information from him.
Later in the afternoon, the Wordsworths encountered the tinkers again, this time on the water.
We rowed right across the water to the mouth of the river of Loch Awe, our boat following the ferry-boat which was conveying the tinker crew to the other side, whither they were going to lodge, as the men told us, in some kiln, which they considered as their right and privilege - a lodging always to be found where there was any arable land - for every farm has its kiln to dry the corn in: another proof of the wetness of the climate. The kilns are built of stone, covered in, and probably as good a shelter as the huts in which these Highland vagrants were born. They gather sticks or heather for their fire, and, as they are obstinate beggars, for the men said they would not be denied, they probably have plenty of food with little other trouble than that of wandering in search of it, for their smutty faces and tinker equipage serve chiefly for a passport to a free and careless life.
It rained very heavily, and the wind blew when we crossed the lake, and their boat and ours went tilting over the high waves. They made a romantic appearance; three women were of the party; two men rowed them over; the lame fellow sate at one end of the boat, and his companion at the other, each with an enormous fishing-rod, which looked very graceful, something like masts to the boat. When we had landed at the other side we saw them, after having begged at the ferry-house, strike merrily through the fields, no doubt betaking themselves to their shelter for the night.
Poetry is the most philosophic of all writing.
William Wordsworth
For I am convinced that a true System of Philosophy - the Science of Life - is best taught in Poetry.
S.T. Coleridge
Watercolour landscapes are by Francis Towne |